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Before we dive into defining our next fiscal year’s goals, let’s start with a recap about what a goal actually is. For that, we blatantly quote one of the first google results for “goal definition presentation” from slideshare.

Introduction to goals

What is a goal?

A goal is a desired result that a person or organisation plans and commits to achieve.

Goal setting

Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide a person or group towards a goal.

Why setting a goal?

Types of goals

Short Term Goal

A short-term goal is something you want to do in the near future. The near future can mean today, this week, this month or even this year. A short-term goal is something you want to accomplish soon.

Long Term Goal

A long term goal is that goal which takes a long time to achieve.

A SMART goal

What is a SMART goal?











How to set goals?

  1. Identify goals

  2. Set objectives

  3. List obstacles

  4. Identify people

  5. List skills

  6. Develop a plan

  7. List benefits

Inspirational story:
Arnold Schwarzenegger

The key facts about Arnold:


Goal setting is not just about identifying what you want to achieve but also how you will achieve it (process goals) and measure that achievement.

Beginners require very short term, easily achievable goals to boost their self-confidence whereas the experienced individual needs more challenging yet realistic goals.

Our goals for next fiscal year

Lets visualize our goals for the next FY with this really useful graph:



Raise liquidity


Develop product v4


Expand to EMEA


Time to discuss!

Results from the pre-meeting

1dfb86ff-093d-4f13-9c35-fbd231d9a449DECIDED0b124df9-babc-4308-9598-cf2d0e92629fWe will raise liquidity by at least 1.5M per quarterDECIDED506841bf-a470-48a6-b4b0-912a635d9871The product team working on v4 will deliver a prototype until second quarterDECIDED73ee8203-a9ee-478d-a6ed-75212dea40d2Bruno will go to Austria next week to set the foundation for our EMEA headquarterDECIDEDbacb1f5e-fe9d-4293-8439-6bcf2506aa2bLaetitia will finish the patent process by second quarter.